Anonymous Polls and Controlling The Results Display in Chat

These features are available with a Bright Poll Premium Plan. To subscribe, please visit

Pick One or Pick Many Polls

When you’re creating a Pick One or Pick Many poll, you have the ability to make the poll completely anonymous. This means you, the creator, won’t be able to see who voted for each option, even when privately viewing the results or exporting the results to a spreadsheet.

To make the poll anonymous, check the box “Make poll anonymous”.

You also have the ability to control what results are show to the voters while the poll is being conducted.

Under “Display Options”, you can choose to show live results including the names of who voted for each option (for non-anonymous polls), live results with names hidden, or choose to keep the results secret.

When the poll is over and you close the poll, you can choose to reveal the results, the results and who voted for each (non-anonymous polls only), or keep the results hidden from the chat.

Free Text Response Polls

When you’re creating a Free Text Response Poll, you have the ability to make the poll completely anonymous. This means you, the creator, won’t be able to see who wrote each answer, even when privately viewing the results or exporting the results to a spreadsheet.

To make the poll anonymous, check the box “Make anonymous”.