Coming Soon: Bright Remind Me

Brendan Andrade


Bright Bits is soon launching a new app Bright Remind Me.

After you ever had a colleague message you while you’re in a meeting and you can’t respond right away? Then you forget that they’ve messaged you?

Bright Remind Me solves this problem by letting set reminders for messages so they bubble back up later and your communication is flawless.

Reminders can also be helpful for following up on work later in the week or whatever else you’d like.

Check out this brief demo video of how it will work.

I was inspired to build Bright Remind Me when I was working at a company that switched from Slack to Microsoft Teams. In Teams, there is no functionality like Slack Bot for setting reminders so I built it.

Bright Remind Me will go live in the Teams app store soon. Sign up for notification of its availability.